Strategic planning basis for wind energy projects

Get a comprehensive overview of the current status of state and regional planning for each planning region in Germany, with explicit reference to area targets and area designations for wind energy – so you are always well informed. Our analysis includes tabular representations for systematic comparison and prioritisation, as well as map-based heat maps to visualise the results.

This allows you to identify the federal states and planning regions where large areas still need to be made available and where planning should be focused.

Use cases of the regional plan status

Find out how our detailed regional planning reports for wind energy projects can be used to make informed strategic decisions. Our tabular analyses and heat map visualisations help to identify potential and plan projects.

Selection of areas

Identification of optimal locations for new wind farms

Situation: A company is planning new wind farms in Germany, but is unsure where the best sites are available.

Solution: Detailed reports and heat maps identify the best regions, while tabular evaluations make it easier to compare and prioritize locations.

Planning of resources

Efficient resource planning and prioritization of projects

Situation: A project developer needs to focus its resources on the best wind energy projects, but does not have a clear overview of regional planning.

Solution: The regional plan status offers tabular representations and heat maps that show regions with high potential and thus make resource planning more efficient and increase the success rate.

Strategic planning

Support in strategic decision-making

Situation: An energy supplier is planning to invest in wind energy, but without precise regional planning it is difficult to assess market development.

Solution: Regional planning reports provide comprehensive information and visualizations that facilitate strategic decisions and guide investments to promising regions.

Selection of areas

Identification of optimal locations for new wind farms

Situation: A company is planning new wind farms in Germany, but is unsure where the best sites are available.

Solution: Detailed reports and heat maps identify the best regions, while tabular evaluations make it easier to compare and prioritize locations.

Planning of resources

Efficient resource planning and prioritization of projects

Situation: A project developer needs to focus its resources on the best wind energy projects, but does not have a clear overview of regional planning.

Solution: The regional plan status offers tabular representations and heat maps that show regions with high potential and thus make resource planning more efficient and increase the success rate.

Strategic planning

Support in strategic decision-making

Situation: An energy supplier is planning to invest in wind energy, but without precise regional planning it is difficult to assess market development.

Solution: Regional planning reports provide comprehensive information and visualizations that facilitate strategic decisions and guide investments to promising regions.

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions from our customers. This information is intended to help you check that our service contains the data relevant to your needs.

  • Which federal states and planning regions still have a large amount of land to be made available in order to meet the area contribution values.
  • Which federal states and planning regions should be the focus of particular attention.
  • Name of the federal state
  • RE/energy/climate protection strategy
    • available (yes/no)
    • Source
  • Expansion targets
    • Wind
      • Nominal capacity (GW)
      • Area (%)
      • Source (Link)
    • Ground-mounted PV
      • Nominal capacity (GW)
      • Area (%)
      • Source (Link)
  • Climate neutrality target
    • available (yes/no)
    • to be achieved by when (year)
    • Source (Link)

Taking into account the inflation factor of 2% in accordance with the standard ECB specification, we calculate the cost surcharge for the dismantling date you specify. The cost and revenue estimates for the disposal and recycling of materials are regularly updated in consultation with the dismantling contractors.

Do you have any questions about the product?

Sebastian Bite

Sales Manager: Sebastian Beiß

Sebastian Bite

Sales Manager: Sebastian Beiß